There is no exchange policy for online orders. We allow exchanges for outlet purchases only.
For online orders, refund claim must be made upon inspection of the product/s in front of the delivery man. Once you receive product delivery, you are requested to immediately check for manufacturing defect, product damage and/or mismatch of order. Once the delivery person leaves the delivery premise, no refund claim can be made.
In case of outlet purchases, if any product is found to have manufacturing defect after opening the product packaging, you are requested to bring the product within 72 hours of purchase date for inspection. If your refund claim is found to be valid by our Quality Control team, then we will receive back the product/s and start processing for refund. However, exchange for ‘damaged’ or ‘wrong’ product must be claimed before bill has been processed during purchase.
If the product seal is broken, then manufacturing defect will be considered as the only valid reason for refund or exchange claim, and no other reasons will be accepted. This applies for both online and outlet purchases.